Friday, June 3, 2011

Exciting news!

I was accepted to the MIT program at UGA for next fall. I haven't been a student in almost ten years, so it will be an interesting transition.

For me as a writer, this is delightful news. I have always built and maintained my own websites, but now I'll have the technical know-how to design them from the bottom up. (Well, I will in two years.) My office is happy about it as well, since having a properly trained web designer in addition to a technical writer will look good to clients.

Will this mean less time for writing? Yes and no. Other things are going to be cut first - I'll be scaling back my video game addiction, to start, and we'll be having quite fewer home cooked meals that I spend an hour crafting. I still want to dedicate as much time to writing as my writing needs.

My husband is in the process of submitting proposals for a nonfiction book, and for the first time he is beginning to understand the sort of effort that goes into just writing query letters and working up the courage to try.